Laptop Luxuries aka. network nothings
welcome to the wonderful world of laptop computing, and wireless networks, aka where'd the internet go. click click it says its working click click nope not working ok reboot, hmm wont reboot weird kick punch, punt, ding dong internet's working shutdown blurb. restart internet works oh wait email doesn't but I can surf the net wtf over. ok emails up web slow gah. f'it reboot router. boop beep kachunk whirrr ok every thing works again woot. yeah lets go play kill maim destroy games. blech your graphics card is not compatable. ack ok i guess I'm stuck with solitare and minehunter. oohhh pong. beep boop dingle bop. format c:\ restart
Install Unix?
stay tuned for another exciting episode of laptop follies and other such nonsense. I have to go no pasta kid is screaming for a shower. in his raptor like howl.
send you silly computer sheesh, someone get me a stamp so I can post this
the return of angry man
once again I am angry man and apparently not able to be rational with my 11 yr old.
I'm sorry I didn't think I needed to be diplomatic with my children but life goes on, and I guess I need to evolve or become extinct. so off to bed without accomplishing anything today . yay me. I could'nt even goof off effectivly as what I wanted to goof off with , took 3+hours to install then didn't work for crap so now its bed time and I have nothing to show for the day. fun.
Ill chat later and until then. enjoy life its short.
also known as the next title of the nintendo ds game catalog, ok maybe not but with brain age and big brain acadamy addictive little smart games that make you play them so "you" get smarter at least at the games determination, well I'm off to try and play them darn games now click those ads so I can make some money muahahahaha. or dont but then I can't get my .03 per click hehe
greed mongering
ok so im a greed monger and added ads to my blog, not that anyone ever looks at this forsaken thing anyways but i figure hey if i can get a buck a year outta this thing its better than nothing. well off to go eat the wifey is cooking away in the kitchen and the little one is trying to eat everything else but. so off I goo
stupid dogs
Ok got another dog this weekend, it’s a very submissive German Shepard puppy so the dogs do the meet and greet and stupid dog, aka the grown up German Shepard is posturing and being a downright pain in the butt. So this morning we let them outside to go potty and play a little and it looks like the ending of a Benny hill show. Dogs continuously chasing each other. So hopefully after a bit they will all be tired and just be exhausted together. That is all for now, video maybe to follow
new stuff
Ok so the wife finally convinced me to cave in, and I am currently writing to you on a laptop as oppossed to my trusty unreliable hard drives crashing monitor breaking desktop, lack of punctuation aside, my old faithful is giving me the til death to us part speech and its on its deathbed. so while it needs a complete internal transplant to keep it operational, the twisted my arm really hard to get this laptop. in other news we got two new monitors for the desktop while we were at it, a couple of 19" flat screens, woot. I would've got a new hard drive too but my computer isnt new enough to handle to new style hard drives. so I have to wait until i can afford a new motherboard to upgrade, but i think i have to upgrade video, memory and motherboards so pretty much the whole guts.
Got some new clothes and misc. stuff as well but the computer stuff was the bulk of it. the wife said happy early anniversary, I say its my consolation prize for not promoting.
take care everyone and Ill chat next time I think of it.