found our new car

the wife said she wanted a new car i think i found it
100 things continued
41 I own more clothes now then I ever remember
42 I have been to 12 different countries
43 I have been to hawaii 6 times
44 I get easily sidetracked
45 I have been to singapore 3 times
46 I lost count how many times I was in korea
47 I helped move stuff out of the phillipines
48 I once had a "do you want fries with that" job
49 I have been to disneyland and disney world.
50 I enrolled in a computer course to get the computer once.
51 I once drove for 4 hours to meet some strange woman I met on the internet
52 I married her
53 I once figured out how to ead at DQ for 2.00 even.
54 I seem to have a hard time making this list , man i must be boring.
55 well over half done...
100 things about me (cont)
17. I think I enjoy games more than my kids
18. I drink a 6-pack of soda a day
19. I’ve been married 7years (and I still love my wife pbbtt)
20. I cut my hair short so you can’t tell whats grey and whats falling out.
21. I’ve played the same video game for 6 years
22. I played the Saxaphone in junior high
23. I’ve been to Hong Kong 10 times
24. I once called my mother on the day after mothers day and told her I was in jail. ( I wasn’t, I told her I was in jail cause I forgot to call on mothers day)
25. My first computer didn’t have a hard drive. Or a floppy drive.
26. I had a birthmark removed from my Butt when I was a kid.
27. I don’t know how much money I owe, I let the wife do the bills.
28. I’m not very good at list making.
29. I spent the bulk of my career in Southern California.
30. I actually liked living in the desert.
31. I am allergic to milk.
32. My sons are my clones, no really they look just like me.
33. I have 20/400 vision in both eyes give or take
34. I don’t eat enough fruit.
35. I don’t drink enough water.
36. I do things just to annoy the wife
37. I won a set of tires once in a contest.
38. I don’t like cleaning cars.
39. I’m stopping now
40. To be continured (TBC)
100 things about me... ok its short im still working on it.
1. I’m Married
2. I have 3 children
3. They are boys
4. I’ve been enlisted for 15 years 10 months
5. I wear glasses
6. I almost failed 7th grade---due to lack of interest
7. I’m 35 years old
8. I’m devoted to my wife
9. I am shorter than my wife
10. I weighed 132 lbs. when I met my wife
11. I Weighed 210 lbs. after I was married for 6 months
12. I had my own horse in high school
13. I have worn Glasses for 27 years
14. I played “cowboys and indians” in high school (with real horses and guns with blanks)
15. I don’t think I’m as smart as others think I am.
16. I am afraid of not being in the service ( I don’t wanna grow up)
17. I have had a mustache for at least 15 years with maybe a month or two total I didn't
18. I am named for my father.
19. TBC..... (stay tuned unlike my significant other I can't think of 100 in a day)
100 things about me
wife DARED me to do this....
so it's coming when I have time until then....