Announcement, pain in da butt
Ok, so much for a "TADA" announcement, due to varying schedule problems, the wife's mom now knows and my mom will be told in a few days as scheduling permits, and my dad will be told soon as well. I'm hoping that no one will be mad about the delay but we are concerned about losing this one still, so the dear wife is supposed to take it easy but ends up she's flying to her moms to help her pack and move. And will be driving one of the mother in laws cars back. Ok enough for now. Take care all and I'll yak soon.
Time Tick
Ok, almost time for public announcement...... I'm thinking the wife will let everyone know after her next appt. That's next week, I know your saying what do you mean its a public blog its already announced, well ok I'll give ya that but the net disabled in my family don't know and the net enabled don't know either unless they've stumbled across this blog. The blog is public but we haven't told anyone the address yet. So when it gets announced and everyone can get to this site, don't be mad just know that no one knew the addy.. Until the announcement, can't wait. BTW we just got back from a road trip, approx 1400 miles and if anyone knows the I-80 thru Wyoming or the I-84 thru Utah-Idaho-Oregon, then you know how painful that can be. Bleauch. Ok bragging 25 hrs start to finish, 5am Mdt to 5am Pdt. Ok until I feel like writing again... See ya then.